Category Archives: Richmond Politics

ICYMI: Photos from ‘Burgers with Bill’

??????????By Lynn R. Mitchell

For 20 years, Bill Bolling — former Virginia Lieutenant Governor, state Senator, and Hanover County supervisor — has gathered with friends and supporters in June near the date of his birthday on the 15th for Burgers with Bill, a casual cookout fundraiser. This year was the 20th anniversary of that event and it was an invitation-only evening in Richmond, compliments of Bolling’s Mainstream Virginia Project. With temperatures soaring into the 90s, it was literally the hottest ticket in town with hundreds in attendance.

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Republican Hunger Games

By Kurt Michael


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Sabato Crystal Ball: ‘The House majority leader’s shocking loss is more an outlier than a harbinger’

By Lynn R. Mitchell

Majority Leader Eric Cantor was dealt a surprising defeat Tuesday. The rise of the tea party? The fall of establishment?

No, say Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley at the Crystal Ball, headquarters of Dr. Larry Sabato, the University of Virginia’s resident politico (see Cantor’s Fall: The House majority leader’s shocking loss is more an outlier than a harbinger):

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Brat campaign manager scrubs FB page election night

By Lynn R. Mitchell

In a curious side note and coming on the heels of an upset win in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, why would winner Dave Brat’s campaign manager scrub his Facebook page?

Repoter Garance Franke-Ruta at Yahoo News wrote:

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Democratic reaction to Eric Cantor’s loss inspires Dem candidate

By Lynn R. Mitchell

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement Tuesday on House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s primary defeat:

“Tonight’s result in Virginia settles the debate once and for all – the Tea Party has taken control of the Republican Party. Period. When Eric Cantor, who time and again has blocked common sense legislation to grow the middle class, can’t earn the Republican nomination, it’s clear the GOP has redefined ‘far right.’ Democrats on the other hand have nominated a mainstream candidate who will proudly represent this district and I look forward to his victory in November.”

Democrats are dancing in the streets over Cantor’s loss and have now fielded a candidate who will run in the general election in November.

John “Jack” Trammell is a professor at Randolph-Macon College and was nominated Monday to represent the Democratic Party. He has already set up a Facebook page and a website. His resume is on the website — political science undergraduate, advanced degrees or certificates in education, special education, history education, and research methodology. His bio says he has been a prolific writer in many diverse areas including two dozen books or book chapters, and he was a regular contributor to the Washington Times.

If Democrats win in November, what has been gained? If Democrats win, an awfully lot has been lost for the GOP.

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Photos: In loss, Eric Cantor reached out to make others feel better

By Lynn R. Mitchell

Eric Cantor


Congressman Eric Cantor lost Tuesday night’s Republican Primary for the 7th Congressional District but while addressing the room where hundreds of supporters and campaign volunteers had gathered, he reached out to comfort them.

Noting that he knew there were heavy hearts in the room, he said he knew they had worked long hours in the heat, and he thanked them. He thanked supporters who had been there and voted and cheered for him. He thanked his wife Diana who stood by his side.

In the hour when he most certainly must have felt a tremendous weight, his thoughts were for those who had been by his side. As he exited the room beside where I stood, he hugged well-wishers along the way who reached out to a caring, kind man who had been painted by the opposition as something else. The American dream — immigrants who came to America, worked hard, raised a family, and saw a son not only succeed but become the second most powerful Republican in the United States of America — that all should have been proud of but voters chose to go in a different direction.

How sad for Virginia. How sad for America. How sad for the 7th Congressional District.

This will play out in time. A door closes, a window opens. There’s more in store for Eric Cantor … wait and see.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
June 10, 2014

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Live-blogging with Eric Cantor’s campaign supporters

7:00 p.m. We’re in Richmond with Eric Cantor’s campaign workers and supporters waiting for election returns to come in from today’s primary.

7:20 The parking lot is filling and people are pouring into the hotel’s ballroom where a big screen is reporting returns and folks are munching on appetizers. Media is here including John Fredericks with his radio show.

7:30 Brian Kirwin is here from Blogging Drift … drove up from the beach. Also Jason Kenney, Peter Foster, Anna Lee, Fay Williamson, the Big Wand ladies Jean Gannon and Cathy from Powhatan….

7:45 Returns are coming in with 33% of precincts reporting.

8:10 It looks like Congressman Eric Cantor may lose this primary election. State Board of Elections is slow reporting numbers but Fox News, CNN, and other outlets are saying it’s over.

8:30 Congressman Cantor just addressed the crowd at the Westin and said the things we beli

8:40 A crowd showed up and in the confusion no one knew what was going on with the chanting but apparently they were pro-amnesty folks.

9:00 Everyone has left the ballroom, police showed up, and the crowd has dispersed including demonstrators. We’re still confused as to what that was all about.

9:54 We’re passing Charlottesville heading back to the Valley after the disappointing loss of Eric Cantor. I posted on my Facebook status:

Congressman Eric Cantor has lost to the tea party in the 7th Congressional District of Virginia. He addressed the room at the Westin Hotel in Richmond in front of hundreds of supporters and volunteers from today’s election. Sadly, politics in Virginia has taken a bad turn for those who believe in pragmatic, reasonable government. Congratulations to Dave Brat on his win … now to see what he does with it.

As we’re driving along in the dark Virginia night, many thoughts are going through my head so I just posted another status update on Facebook:

Eric Cantor for President! We’re on our way home to the Valley and I’m thinking about everything the Congressman has done for Virginia and America and what we could do to tap into such a leader. We could have the first Jewish Republican President of the United States!

Or even Vice President to someone like Jeb Bush. Something to think about.

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It’s Primary Day! Please vote Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor 15By Lynn R. Mitchell

It’s Republican Primary Day in Virginia. Until 7:00 p.m., regular precincts will be open for voters in the 7th Congressional District. Please take a few minutes to stop and cast your vote for Congressman Eric Cantor.

The opponent got it wrong … it’s not OPEN Primary Day. It’s REPUBLICAN Primary Day.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch endorsed Cantor in one of the most powerful endorsements I’ve ever read, noting:

The initial impression proved accurate and enduring. In 1991, Eric Cantor first ran for a seat in the House of Delegates. He dropped by our offices to introduce himself to the Editorial Board. The meeting impressed the participants, as Cantor projected a maturity seldom seen in politicians with far more experience. We anticipated great things. In 2000, Cantor won election to the House of Representatives. The Times-Dispatch subsequently called him “indispensable.” The Almanac of American Politics cited the description.

“Indispensable.” It was true in 1991 … his experienced leadership is needed now more than ever. Today is the day … no convention to sit through, just a quick stop at your regular precinct to cast your vote and continue with your day. Say hello to the friendly Team Cantor folks who are out in force working the polls including my 80-something parents! Vote Eric Cantor!

Eric Cantor 16

Photos by Davis Rennolds and Jeff Britt
June 10, 2014

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Eric Cantor strongly endorsed by Richmond Times-Dispatch

By Lynn R. Mitchell

Eric Cantor 12

Not only did the Richmond Times-Dispatch endorse Congressman Eric Cantor for Tuesday’s Republican Primary, they did so solidly, enthusiastically, and with conviction:

The initial impression proved accurate and enduring. In 1991, Eric Cantor first ran for a seat in the House of Delegates. He dropped by our offices to introduce himself to the Editorial Board. The meeting impressed the participants, as Cantor projected a maturity seldom seen in politicians with far more experience. We anticipated great things. In 2000, Cantor won election to the House of Representatives. The Times-Dispatch subsequently called him “indispensable.” The Almanac of American Politics cited the description.

Cantor remains indispensable. He has risen to a congressional position — House majority leader — more elevated than any held by a Virginian in modern times. His responsibilities rely on his skills and must tax his patience. The congressional caucuses for both parties seldom resemble garden clubs. Floor leaders not only lead but also serve at the pleasure of their members. And they have an obligation to govern. Cantor presides over a kindergarten; Democrats, who seemingly have not graduated from preschool, control the Senate and the presidency. House Republicans cannot always get what they want.

Cantor effectively has encouraged them to make their case. As whip he rallied his Republican colleagues to unanimous opposition to Obamacare. The House has passed numerous bills that offer alternatives to the Obama administration’s agenda. Harry Reid labels most of the GOP initiatives dead on arrival when they have reached the Senate.

One line especially stood out to me:

Cantor reflects Reagan’s optimism and shuns the politics of resentment that pollute today’s climate.

And there’s plenty of the politics of resentment in the 7th Congressional District as proven by the vitriolic writings of those who are for Cantor’s opponent.

The endorsement ended with this:

This is not the moment for the U.S. to diminish its presence on the global stage. Cantor is situated to reset the reset.

A curse says: May you live in interesting times. The times are interesting indeed. Republicans tempted to dismiss Cantor as a lackey ought to ask: Would Nancy Pelosi consider Eric Cantor an insufficiently zealous supporter of the conservative cause? Would Harry Reid? Would Barack Obama? It is preposterous to suggest he is. Cantor leads from conviction.

Citizens in the 7th House District should vote for him on Tuesday, June 10.

Voting on Tuesday, June 10, is from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the regular polling places. Please vote for reasonable, rational leadership. Please vote for Congressman Eric Cantor.

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Mom with Congressman Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor 14 MomThere’s my mom dressed in white standing next to her Congressman Eric Cantor (R-7th) — my growing-up stomping grounds. In pink is Jean Gannon ( and on the other side of the Congressman is Karen Wooten ( and staffer extraordinaire Kristi Way. They were at Congressman Cantor’s lunch Sunday afternoon in Brandermill. Thanks to the Big Wand ladies for the photo!

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‘The tea party is after Cantor. Seriously.’

By Lynn R. Mitchell

The headline says it all. People are scratching their heads at the challenge by a frenzied anti-Cantor group in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. Reporter Matt Bai is baffled (see The tea party is after Cantor. Seriously.):

In a lot of ways, Dave Brat is your typical tea party-style insurgent running in a Republican primary this year. He’s an economics professor at a tiny college, a striped-tie, free market enthusiast who decries debt and immigration. He has the backing of the crankiest conservative bloggers and radio hosts, one of whom, Laura Ingraham, appeared with him at a rally this week.

But Brat isn’t running to unseat some mush-ball moderate or no-name state legislator backed by the local chamber of commerce. No, Brat’s opponent in next Tuesday’s primary is Eric Cantor, the congressman from Virginia’s 7th District and the second most powerful Republican in the House. Which highlights a question that’s becoming more germane as this season of Republican disunion drags on:

Just how conservative do you have to be before these conservative activists will leave you alone?


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Side-by-side comparisons … vote Eric Cantor on June 10th

By Lynn R. Mitchell

Eric Cantor campaignSide-by-side comparisons … the choice is clear. Vote for Majority Leader Eric Cantor on June 10th.


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Guest Post: ‘I Support Eric Cantor’

Brian KirwinBy Brian Kirwin
Contributor, Bearing Drift

[Editor’s note: ‘I Support Eric Cantor’ was originally published on April 16, 2014. Reprinted with permission of the author and Bearing Drift.]

It is a profoundly telling statement on the sorry state of the Virginia blogosphere that one of the most controversial statements a Virginia blogger can make is that he supports the highest ranking elected Virginia Republican in the country.

I support Eric Cantor. I look at those who want to throw him out of office with a look of “What are you? Nuts?”

Eric Cantor is Second-in-Command in the House of Representatives, a stone’s throw away from Speaker of the House. Know when the last time a Virginia Republican was Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Never! Never ever.

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20 made-up lies about Eric Cantor … and the truth

Eric Cantor 8By Lynn R. Mitchell

Lies and rumors about Congressman Eric Cantor have been widely distributed by tea party candidate Dave Brat’s supporters. As we near the June 10 primary for the 7th Congressional District, it’s time to set the record straight. Here’s the truth from Brian Schoeneman in response to 20 lies about Eric Cantor that were posted in the Bearing Drift comments from a Dave Brat supporter (see Liberal professor David Brat pulls a two-face two-step by Brian Kirwin).

Lie #1: Eric Cantor made insider trading illegal for Americans, but exempted his family members.

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Culpeper supporter shares reasons to vote for Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor 8

By Lynn R. Mitchell

In the Culpeper Star Exponent newspaper, a letter to the editor was written by Hagazi Kebede of Culpeper supporting Congressman Eric Cantor for reelection in the 7th Congressional District primary on June 10….

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